Shoreline Starter... - Raw, cooked and seasoned fish
Roasted octopus with potatoes
Fish Arancini
Mussel soup
Arancini stuffed with courgettes, aubergines, peppers with potato flakes and breadcrumbs served with cow's milk burrata
Selection of typical cheeses and jam
Baked Caciocavallo cheese with caramelized red onion
Via Presidente Kennedy, 21
97016 Pozzallo (RG)
Tel.+39 0932955432
Mob.+39 3396088133
info (@)
SHORELINE S.r.l.s - Amm. unico Scala Marinella
Via Marco Polo, 2 - 97016 Pozzallo (RG)
C.F./P.Iva 01676900887 Cod.SDI: W7YVJK9
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